

Im Gemma, but my friends call me G 

North-Wales born & bred but currently exploring the delights of New Zealand
& living in Auckland


Blogging novice 

Cat-lover / bordering obsession

Physical Geography Graduate - Swansea University

Full-time wanting to be gallivanting round the world 

Sarcasm is my life 

Postcards make me happy

Anything with a world map on makes me happier

& have a constant desire to be planning something

Work to live, don't live to work

I started writing this blog as a way to write-up my 1 month USA trip in July 2015.

 I really got into writing down my experiences and tips for other travellers and found happiness in sharing my tips, reviews, photos and videos. 
 I want to continue writing about what I love doing; travelling.

After an I N C R E D I B L E 2 years in Australia, I am now in my first year in New Zealand and ready to explore this stunning country. 

Feel free to subscribe, follow the adventure on Instagram (@gemwills) or my Twitter (@gem_wills) and keep updated with where I am in the world and see if I can inspire you to come on an adventure! 

G x


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